Riga, The Great Hall of the University of Latvia Concert is recorded by Latvijas Radio 3 14.11.2024. Rēzekne, Latgales vēstniecība GORS Laura Jēkabsone – world premiere FOLK PASSION "Francis Trasuns" Riga Project Choir, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Post-Folklore Group "Rikši", Jānis Strazdiņš, Cristopher Walsh - Sinka, conductor, artistic director Latgalian and Latvian cultural and spiritual worker, statesman and writer Francis Trasuns is one of the most important people who contributed to the incorporation of Latgale into the cultural and historical regions of Latvia. Trasuns defended the Latgalian language and culture throughout his life. Francis Trasuns' life was like a crossroads between political life and religion. Due to his political career, he was expelled from the Catholic Church. Francis Trasuns died in Riga in April 1926 of a heart attack after being expelled from the Easter service in Riga's St. James' Church. The course of Francis Trasuns' life closely resonates with the passion form. Composer Laura Jēkabsone, inspired by the passions of Bach and other composers, created the first passion in the Latgalian language. This premiere reflects the cultural diversity of the historical land of Latgale, combining the Latgalian language, traditional spiritual songs and thematic line. The libretto is written by the Latgalian poet Anna Rancāne. This project is implemented with the financial support of the State Cultural Capital Fund and the VKKF target program "Latvian Historical Lands Development Program". |